Software Engineering

Custom-designed solutions for data-driven web applications, data processing, or cloud applications.

Full Service Webhosting

Secure storage, hosting, email, and cloud services. Specializing in Ruby and Java applications.

System Administration

Cluster computing for scientific and data science applications. Scalability, Big Data, and Infrastructure Virtualization.

Software Engineering


JVM Solutions

We engineer Java-based software including data-driven web applications, machine learning, Android applications, and scientific data processing. We support Play and Scalatra frameworks as well. Payne Labs is proud to offer a Java-based computing powerhouse.


Full Stack Web

Rapid web development with Ruby on Rails or Sinatra. We develop user-friendly applications and APIs for a variety of purposes. Our extensive infrastructure was built to support Ruby - simplify your workflow by allowing us to remove the complexity from Ruby deploys.


Hish Performance Computing & Enterprise

Expertise in systems administration allows us to offer secure, FDA-compliant systems and storage as well as customized system architectures for a variety of needs. We also offer services for high-performance scientific computing and containerization, including docker and shifter.

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